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We are proud to offer this resource to our staff and students. The goals of this site are:
Provide a stable, long term platform for students to display an electronic portfolio of work that they feel portrays their abilities
Provide a communication portal for staff to share information with students, parents, and the community

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3/19 Morning Announcements3/17 by Kasie Koonce
3/18 Morning AnnouncementsCopy of 3/17 by Kasie Koonce
MS UIL Concert & Sightreading Contest (7th & 8th Only)UIL Concert and Sightreading Contest Information When: 7th Grade Band – Wednesday, April 2, 2025 @ 10:40am 8th Grade Band – Thursday, April 3, 2025 @ 9:25 am...
Reg Physics Week Ahead: 3/17-3/21Welcome Back! I hope everyone had a good break. We will finish up the Solar Sail project this week and move on to circular motion. If you are gone on Thursday, you assignment is listed. The deadline for this assignment is Friday during your class period. No late assignments will be accepted. ...
Lesson Plans for March 17-21. 2025*TUTORING is available EVERY MORNING from 7:30-7:50 Monday 3/17...
Lesson Plans for March 17-21GEOMETRY: Monday March 17: We will have a lesson on the Tangent Ratio, 9.4. The assignment is wkst 9.4B (#1-9,16-18). Tuesday March 18: We will continue with Tangent and finish the notes and the worksheet....
WOHS Algebra 1: Whats's Happening For the Rest of the Year AND Quarter 4, Week 1 PlansWe've reached the final 9 weeks. For Algebra 1, these final weeks can be divided into 3-3-3. First, we've got one final unit with quadratic functions (graphing and solving) which should take 3 (or 4 weeks). Secondly, 3 (or 2) weeks of EOC Review. Our Algebra 1 EOC is scheduled for April 23. Lastly, we'll have about 3 weeks post-EOC to fill in any Algebra holes in preparation for Geometry next school year. 3-3-3. It'll be over before you know it....
March 17 - 21, 2025HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY! ... Extended Constructed Response(6.10./6.11): We will be reviewing the parts of a GOOD ECR response, aka essay, and discussing how to make a good score on the STAAR Test ECR quesions. We will be writing on Google Classroom about Spring Break.
March 17-21, 2025UNIT 5 Monday - Journal/ Scholastic Scope Written Response Tuesday - UNIT 4 Quiz...
March 17 - 21 Lesson PlansAcct. LPs March 17-21 Monday, March 17...
March 17-21 Lesson PlansI hope everyone had a great Spring Break and you're ready to finish the school year strong! Monday: What is poetry and why do we have to study it?...
The Election of Abrahm Lincoln and the Civil WarAbraham Lincoln ran as a Republican against several opponents, namely Stephen A Douglas and John C Breckinridge. here's a video about Abraham Lincoln's life: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLzCfpDql_A The Northern states were: Maine, New York, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Kansas, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, California, Nevada, and Oregon Abraham Lincoln was President of the United States....