Ribbon Seal

The ribbon seal lives in the North Pacific ocean and the Arctic ocean in the cold and deep waters, also sometimes a little bit windy and has icebergs on top of the water. The ribbon seal gets eaten by orcas, polar bears, and sharks. What is causing them to become extinct is climate changing to warm weather a tiny bit and people polluting the sea water. The Marine Mammal Protection Act is currently educating the public and threats tat they face currently. The ribbon seal needs availability of suitable ice and they are not getting that because the climate is changing and melting it. The causes for endangerment are due to both nature and humans because nature is getting warmer and people are killing them for their fur. The extinction changes the ecosystem because over time the ribbon seal’s predators will have to find other food or move away to a different place.

Image from: https://animalia.bio/ribbon-seal

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